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Mary Camuto's new book, Make the Most of Your Workday, shows you how to regroup, reframe, and bounce back.

Even if you don’t have your dream job, every day is precious and filled with opportunities. Make the Most of Your Workday challenges you to actively manage and make the most of workday possibilities and problems. With drive, determination, and optimism, it offers solutions to workday predicaments. You can take control; you don’t have to wait for leaders, people, or circumstances to change. No matter your level, situation, or dilemma, Mary shows you how to regroup, reframe, and bounce back.

Make the Most of Your Workday contains powerful strategies and tools from several key areas and combines them into a concise practical guide, from strengthening your mindset and self-awareness to identifying needs and goals, from prioritizing your time and energy to communicating effectively and managing the unexpected.

Make the Most of Your Workday is intended to help any individual with a workday but can also assist teams and team leaders with collective strategies, tools and some common language. Mary has combined strategies and tools from key areas to address workday opportunities and challenges. The book’s message is that we do not have to passively survive the workday but can instead actively manage and make the most of the opportunities each workday presents.

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